#1 Item That Should Not Be Missing from Your Backpack
About Nicole Apelian, Ph.D
Dr. Nicole Apelian is a biologist, herbalist, and survival skills instructor, and she’s been studying plants and wilderness living for more than 20 years.
But she hasn’t studied them in front of the computer. She’s been living for years side by side with the San Bushmen tribe in the Kalahari Desert, eating what they eat and doing what they do. They are one of the few tribes that still live entirely off the land, just like people did thousands of years ago.
In 2015 she participated in the History Channel’s TV show Alone, a series where contestants survive alone in the wilderness as long as they can. She survived 57 days on Vancouver Island with little more than a knife and her knowledge. Dr. Apelian was there completely alone, with no crew and no gear other than what fit in her backpack. She survived mostly by foraging wild plants that were both food and medicine.
Here is just a glimpse of what you’ll find in
Wilderness Long-Term Survival Guide:
Our ancestors didn’t survive in the wild. They LIVED there. If you want to become self-reliant long-term in the wild, all you have to do is to re-discover the things they did.
Think about the people who settled the land in the past. They had to choose a piece of the wilderness with no roads or neighbors in sight, where they were to stay for the rest of their lives and call it their home.
So instead of following the advice of a so-called survival expert who only goes camping in the woods for a few days, I think it’s smarter to use the knowledge of our ancestors who stayed in the wild indefinitely.
And you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Instead, you can just use all this incredible knowledge that has been neglected by history and by many survival experts for quite some time.
So, Wilderness Long-Term Survival Guide is the first handbook ever that helps people NOT just to survive in the wild, BUT to LIVE there! You can use it to turn the Wild into your second home and become self-reliant in nature long term. With this guide, you can make your own piece of paradise far from the hustle and bustle of modern living.
This is the book you should have with you at all times, in your bag, in your car, in your house.
If a major crisis hits and you need to head for the woods, with this knowledge you can rebuild everything from scratch, just like our ancestors who chose a piece of land in the middle of nowhere and restarted their lives.
Or, if you like spending time in nature, going camping, foraging, trailing, or hunting, then there is no good reason not to have this guide in your backpack.
What You Should Do If You Come Across These Tracks
on page 178
If you see these tracks, do you go ahead and follow your next dinner, or do you walk the opposite way? I’ve included in this guide a detailed list of wild tracks, with good-quality pictures and descriptions of dozens of animals.
This guide will not only make you a seasoned animal tracker, but it will also help you avoid unnecessary risks.
The Only Types of Fire You Need to Know
on page 48
The first one is called the Swedish fire. It doesn’t get any easier than this. You simply cut a log like you would cut a cake.
This will give you a rocket stove that burns for many hours and needs no extra wood.
The second one is the Dakota fire hole, also called the invisible fire, because the fire is in the ground and makes little smoke.
It’s great for windy weather or when you want to stay hidden.
The third one I want to share with you is the self-feeding fire, a type of fire that lasts for up to 14 hours without having to put any more wood on it. After you set it up, gravity does its job while you go about your business or sleep.
Just like these three, all other types of fire you find in this book have a purpose and should be used in certain conditions.
How to Make a Pine Smokehouse and a Wilderness Refrigerator
on page 97
The Five Plants You Can Use to Make Strong Natural Cordage
on page 169
One of them is stinging nettle. You just find a tall stinging nettle, remove all the leaves, break off the stem with your fingers, and split it open.
What you see here are the fibers, which are essentially cordage. Leave them to air dry then start braiding. This is what will give your fibers the strength you need. The fibers made like this are so strong you can use them to climb, tie wood, make a snare to catch game, make clothes or fishing lines, and many more that you’ll find inside the book.
Recognize Useful Plants Like an Expert Forager
on page 70
You’ll find color pictures of plants, trees, and mushrooms so you can easily identify them. Plants are EVERYWHERE around you, and if you can identify them, you will never run out of food in the wild. So when you’re in doubt about a plant, mushroom, or tree you come across, open your new guide to find out what to do with it.
Because I want you to be 100% safe, I’ve also added images of the lookalikes so you can stay away from the poisonous plants.
You’ll also find a wide range of mushrooms that you can safely eat. Mushrooms may be the best source of protein you can find in the wild that doesn’t have legs.
How to Choose the Right Location for Your Shelter
on page 13
One of the biggest mistakes people make is setting up camp way too close to water. Although you want to be close to a water source, being too close means you can be in a flooding area or cross paths with a bear or a wild boar looking to quench its thirst. You’ll want to make sure your shelter is at least 60 meters away from any water source.
Another mistake I’ve seen even experienced campers make is building their shelter under very large trees. You want to be protected from the elements, but the tallest trees are the first to be hit by lightning in a storm. You’ll learn lots of life-saving tips just like this before building your shelter.
Life-Saving Tools You Can Create in the Wild
on page 141
Some of these tools are way too heavy to take with you in your backpack. The only thing you will need to take with you is this guide, which is going to show you how to create them yourself using only materials you’ll find around you. With this guide, you can create everything from scratch.
The 10 Knots Every Person Should Know in the Wild
on page 133
One of them is the square knot. Use this one whenever you need to join pieces of rope together. You can also use it to secure bandages to a wound or tie objects together, like a bundle of wood for carrying.
It’s hard to know all knots by heart, no matter how useful they may be, so wouldn’t it be better to have them all in a book you can take with you?
Making Your Own Containers in the Wilderness
on page 154
The one I like to make the most is a clay pot. All you need to do is find clay soil. To make sure it’s clay, do this simple squeeze test. Take a handful of moist soil, and give it a firm squeeze. If it doesn’t hold its shape, then it’s NOT clay. Then poke it with your finger. If it doesn’t crumble, then it’s clay.
Now that you have the right material, you can start shaping your pots and pans.
What to Do If You Come Face to Face with a Bear, Wild Boar, or Wolf
on page 178
For example, if you cross paths with a lone black bear without cubs, then back up slowly without making eye contact with it. Stand tall with your arms extended, and make loud, booming noises. This will signal to the black bear that you’re not an easy target, and most likely it’ll move on in its search for food. A common mistake a lot of people make is to either play dead or climb a tree. Don’t do that.
How to Become Invisible in the Wild
on page 184
The most dangerous being you can encounter in the wild is not a bear or a wolf but another human being with bad intentions. That’s especially true in a crisis, where many will head for the woods.
That’s why I’m going to teach you how to become invisible in the wilderness. One of the things we will learn together is how to lose tracks and send any chaser on the wrong path.
The Only 3 Shelters You’ll Need to Survive in the Wild
on page 12
The first one is the debris shelter, which is easy to make and is worth building if you stay for a night or two in the wild.
The second one is the “one-month shelter”, but it helped me survive Alone in the wilderness for more than that, 57 days to be exact.
The third one is called the “forever shelter”, and it can easily be your second home. That’s because although it’s meant for survival long term, you could build one as your comfortable retreat in the woods, your bug-out location, or just as a place in nature where you can go and recharge your batteries. It has a small root cellar, a cozy fireplace with a built-in smokehouse, a wood stove, an integrated bed, and much more.
Make Your Own Weapons with Natural Materials
on page 141
I’m talking about the exact weapons that our ancestors used to hunt and protect themselves. These served them for thousands of years, so you can bet they can help you in times of need as well.
How to Collect Clean, Drinkable Water from Plants
on page 39
Water-loving plants like willow, cottonwood, or any berry shrub are ideal, but if there are none around, any plant with a decent number of leaves will do.
Place a bag over the branch and tie it tightly around the stem or else you can lose precious water. Water will start to condensate inside the bag, and in about three to five hours, you can collect it.
How to Start a Garden in the Wild
on page 106
Foraging is a useful skill to have, but you can’t do it long-term unless you want to constantly move from place to place. If you want to live long-term in the wild, whenever you go out foraging, gather the seeds of the plants as well, and plant them near your camp. Inside my guide, you’ll discover the exact wild plants you should look for to start your garden.
What Happens If You Smear Mud Over Your Skin
on page 123
No, it’s not to camouflage, although you can use it for that as well. It’s actually the best natural insect repellent. The mud masks your scent and makes you less desirable to those pesky bloodsuckers.
Why You Should Learn Bird Language
on page 187
This is a skill that gives you secret knowledge of what’s happening around you. Birds warn themselves when they see a predator, and knowing how to recognize these alarms will help you stay safe and possibly avoid an unnecessary encounter.
How to Cook in the Wild with No Gear
on page 160
I’ll show you the basic techniques, like stone boiling and plank cooking, but also how to build a small stone oven and even a smokehouse to preserve any game you might catch.
The Traps You Can Use to Catch Your Next Meal While You Sleep
on page 63
Wouldn’t it be nice if you could go to sleep knowing that in the morning you could find fresh wild game? And with almost no effort. One of the easiest traps you’ll discover is a trigger snare.
How to Make and Use Primitive Glue
on page 96
All you need is some pine resin and another ingredient you can make on your campfire. Melt these two together and you’ll get a black substance just like this one. Once you’ve made the glue, you can use it to seal holes in your containers, glue arrowheads to your spears, reinforce the lashing, seal baskets, and much more.
Robinson Crusoe’s Fish Trap
on page 89
I used his method the second time I was in Alone. The best part about this fishing method is that you don’t have to be there all the time. You can do other things around your camp while the Robinson Crusoe’s fish trap catches your next meal.
How to Make Salt from Plants
on page 104
You will discover the four common plants and the simple method you can use to extract salt crystals from them. One of the plants is the beautiful yellow dandelion. As I am sure you know, you can use salt to preserve food in the wild, but it has a lot of other uses as well.
Best Trees to Tap for Food, Medicine, and Water
on page 92
Certain trees, like the birch tree, can be tapped for water; others, like pine, should be tapped for medicinal purposes; and others, like the black walnut tree, can be tapped for food.
If you have this book with you in the wild, just identify the trees using these big pictures, and tap the ones you need.
Medicinal Plants and Remedies You’ll Get for Free at Nature’s Pharmacy
on page 114
Because taking your entire medicine cabinet into the wild is out of the question, I’ve compiled an entire chapter that explains in detail how you can use wild plants for managing health problems and medical emergencies. You’ll know where to find natural aspirin, the plant that helps you fight infections, the plant that has Vicodin-like effects, the leaf that stops bleeding, the root infusion to get rid of migraines, the painkiller sap, the doxycycline of the woods, the anesthetic gel you’ll find in cattails, and the natural anti-inflammatory insoles you should place in your shoes.
PLUS 3 Bonuses Included for FREE and 24/7 Support
Army Survival Strategies and Tips to Use in a Crisis
Normally this guide costs €29, but you can get it for FREE today. Ferguson Mason, the author of this book, is an Army vet who adapted the strategies and techniques he learned in conflict zones for people who want to protect their homes in times of social chaos. Inside you will discover the tactics used by the U.S. Army to secure their bases and how to wisely use them to protect your home, some simple hacks that will keep looters off your property, ingenious DIY traps against intruders, how to hide from thermal vision, the art of camouflage, rioter-attracting items you should get rid of, and a lot, lot more.
How to Become Self-Sufficient on 16000 m² of Land
You can purchase it online for €27, but today you can get it for free as well. Inside you’ll discover the projects you can make around your house and backyard to become more self-sufficient and independent. You’ll find complete instructions on projects like how to make the perfect farm plan that will include everything you need, what chicken breeds lay more eggs, how to make a greenhouse to grow food all year round, how to make your own remedies from plants you can grow in your own backyard, how to make a root cellar, and a lot more.
75 Obsolete Items That Will Become Indispensable Again
If you buy this guide alone, it costs €29. But today it’s yours at no cost. There might come a time when electricity will no longer be available. That is why if you want to be prepared, all you must do is look back at how people lived 150 years ago. This is a complete guide with the items you need to stockpile before a crisis, a long blackout, or an EMP. These are the items that are set to skyrocket in value in a society without electricity. They are all almost dirt cheap to get right now, so hurry up and stockpile some.
If you get Wilderness Long-Term Survival Guide today, you’ll also receive three exclusive gifts, which normally cost a total of €85, for FREE.
People spend thousands of euros on survival equipment but don’t invest hardly anything in the most important thing: knowledge. If you have this guide close to you at any time, you won’t need any other tool. If worse comes to worst, everything you need to know is inside.
I want this book to be accessible to anyone, so that’s why I pushed to get the price as low as possible.
But when you print in high quality on sturdy paper that must resist the elements, as well as in small batches, the cost of producing a single book is extremely high. This is not the kind of book you see in bookstores with cheap paper that gets ruined if you accidentally get some water on it.
We were able to get it to €79. But luckily, we found a printing house where the owner is a wilderness enthusiast, and helped us get this book for you at just a fraction of that price.
So today you can get Wilderness Long-Term Survival Guide: Forgotten Skills to Make the Wild Your Home plus Army Survival Strategies and Tips to Use in a Crisis plus How to Become Self-Sufficient on 16000 m² of Land plus 75 Obsolete Items That Will Become Indispensable Again not for €164 but for a one-time payment of just €36.
But you don’t even have to pay a thing. I don’t want your money if you are not 100% happy.
So if there is anything, absolutely anything in this practical guide, that you don’t like or find useful, simply send me an email and I’ll refund you what you paid for the book. And you get to keep the physical book forever, even if you get your money back. That is my 60-Day Keep-the-Book Money Back Guarantee!
I am making this guarantee because I want this book to reach as many people as possible. I wouldn’t want the price of this book to stand in the way of saving a life one day.
I didn’t write this book to get rich. I spend 80% of my time in the wild, where money has absolutely no value to me. I already have what I need.
So you have 60 days to decide if you want a refund or not, BUT regardless of your decision, you can still keep the physical book and the bonuses.
Limited Offer
I was only able to print a limited batch of this one-of-a-kind guide. I don’t want you to miss your chance to get your copy. You don’t know when the next crisis hits, and then it might be too late to find this book. As we’ve seen in the most recent pandemic, these types of items disappear quickly in a crisis.
This book is not available in stores, so the only place you can get your copy at the moment is here.
I would like to wrap this book for you, in a nice package that I bet you’ll love, and send it your way. All you have to do is click on the Add to Cart button below, and in a few short days, it will reach your doorstep.
Why You Should Get
Wilderness Long-Term Survival Guide
This guide is not about surviving a short hike. It’s about living long term in the wild. It will give you peace of mind that no matter what happens around you, you can thrive in the wilderness. And all that without having to carry heavy, expensive, and unnecessary equipment that you can make on the spot instead.
Add this book to your backpack or bug-out bag, and if you need to leave your house quickly, do it without giving it a second thought as you know you have a good chance of outliving a crisis by turning the Wild into your second home.
The Best Guide to Have with You in the Outdoors
Whether you’re a seasoned wilderness explorer or just go for a hike once a year, this guide is the perfect companion to have with you in the Wild. It’s filled with detailed and invaluable tips for any outdoor enthusiast that can make your adventure much more enjoyable. You can start using the book to create different shelters and other fun projects right now, even if there is no danger in sight.
Pass the Knowledge on to Your Kids
Until a few decades ago, parents would take their children into the wild and teach them how to recognize edible and medicinal plants, how to make different types of fires, how to purify water, and many other skills that are all in this book. These skills are no longer being taught, and your kids will not learn them in school either. It is our duty as parents to pass them on to our kids as people have done for thousands of generations.
You can get the book and immediately go out with your kids to spend quality time while learning at the same time as the skills you teach may very well save their lives one day.
Live a Stress-Free Life
We have a strong connection to nature, but we often forget about it as our minds focus on the daily problems we all have. This can cause stress, anxiety, and a whole range of health issues. Wilderness Long-Term Survival Guide helps you recreate this connection to nature and will make it easier for you to release all the stress modern society brings. And because you’ll know exactly what to do every step of your way in the Wild, you can safely enjoy each moment and simply relax.
Your Escape from the Hustle and Bustle of the Modern World
It’s nice to dream about having a wilderness retreat, BUT I promise you, it’s a LOT better when it becomes a reality. Even if you’re not forced to go into the wild, you can still make a forever shelter that will be your escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. And with each visit to your retreat, you can add more projects from the book, like a cozy fireplace, a mini root cellar, and so on.
Take Advantage of All the FREE Food in the Wilderness
It would be a shame not to take advantage of all the food you can find in Nature. If you learn how to forage, you’ll never run out of food. And you don’t have to spend a dime on it. Not to mention that what you can find in regular stores doesn’t even compare to the high nutritional value of wild foods. With this guide by your side, you’ll also learn how to find a wide range of medicinal plants that you’ll be able to turn into powerful remedies you might need.
Learn a New Skill at Any Age
Learning a new skill is a wonderful experience no matter your age. There is no such thing as too early or too late to learn something useful. You can start today! There is nothing more fulfilling than staying curious, and if that means learning the skills that one day might save your life, that’s an added bonus.
Save Money on Expensive Equipment
You’ll get to save a lot of money on expensive equipment that would only add weight to your shoulders. You can compensate a few pounds of unnecessary equipment with your knowledge. I like to travel light so I can move fast.
Except for the essential items, all you need to take with you is Wilderness Long-Term Survival Guide.
And as I told you already, you are also covered by the 60-Day Keep-the-Book Money Back Guarantee, and if you order now, you’ll also receive three gifts that will not be available for long.
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